Responsible Gambling

Gambling is one of the most ancient entertainment. For centuries people have enjoyed themselves by playing games for money. But there are men for whom gambling become a problem. They can’t stop and can lose everything starting from money and ending with the family and friends. If you are in such a situation and are ready to change it, we are here to give you a helping hand.

We are to provide support on gambling responsibility and help find a way out. If you are addicted, you will surely discover all necessary resources that assist you to be able to control yourself.

Gambling Addiction Causes

Nobody knows for sure why one person becomes addicted and the other no. They say the combination of factors get involved people in the problem gambling. Let’s look at them.

  • Biological. We are different. We all have some addiction. Some get exited when drinking alcohol, others can stop playing computer. Many like sweets. And there are people who get hormone of happiness, serotonin when they hear coins clicking in the slot machine or see the roulette ball stop on the number they have bet.
  • Psychological. The addicted can believe in various superstition, for example, it is necessary to throw a coin a definite number of times to win. Or the person is in stress and the game helps him feel better, etc.
  • Social. A person has problems at work or in his life and again the game helps. They think they can make a killing and become happier.

How to Understand That You Have Problem Gambling

To cope with addiction, you must accept that you have it. But how to understand that you or your relative is addicted? Below we list several signs to pay attention to so that you can’t miss a moment when you get involved in problem gambling.

  • The game makes you feel miserable. You come to the gambling establishment to have fun and as soon as you don’t get satisfaction and excitement and start to feel anxious, unhappy, you are addicted. Everyone can be upset when something is going wrong, when a person has a problem, his feelings go to extremes.
  • You can think about nothing, but the game. You can’t work, watch TV, read books, you forget about your family and friends, gambling becomes your obsession, then you are addicted.
  • You play to escape from problems. You certainly come to the casino to forget about everyday problems and relax. That’s OK, but when you do it all the time and are not going to solve your problems. It’s not good.
  • You want to win no matter what the cost and play on and on trying to catch a lucky break. You just can’t stop.
  • You bet more and more, you spend money you need, for example, for paying bills, or buying a toy to your kid — you are surely addicted.


It takes time to get addicted. Psychologist describe four phases:

  1. Winning phase. Very often the addiction sets off when you win big. You make a killing that results in excitement and feeling that you are a lucky person.  You begin to spend more and gamble longer.
  2. Losing phase. Since you gamble more you lose more. You start to borrow money, lie to the people closest to you, not to go to work. During this phase you may begin chasing losses.
  3. Desperation phase. You lose control. You may feel ashamed after gambling, but you can’t stop. You may lose everything – your work, family, friends. You may even be put in jail, because many addicted started to commit a crime.
  4. Hopeless phase. You reach the bottom. You believe there is no way out. Many addicted started to drink alcohol and take drugs. Some problem gamblers commit or attempt suicide.

Gambling Safely Online

The best way to cure gambling addiction is to prevent it. There are some tips to follow in order to avoid addiction.

  • Play at good, trustworthy gambling venues only. These casinos follow responsible gaming policy. They offer their customers to set up time and money limits before they begin gambling for real money. Some casinos even track their customers’ gambling activity and close access to the casino games for those who has been gambling for a long period. At our site you will find some of the best online casinos.
  • Gamble to enjoy yourself. Try to take gambling as a break from work in order to relax rather than a mean for earning money.
  • Unsubscribe from the casino promotional emails. They will constantly send you luring promotions, but remember not all that glitters is gold. If you can’t help ignoring all adverts, you’d better unsubscribe them.
  • Set your gambling bankroll and never bet more than you have decided before. You may use, for example, prepaid cards to load your account than you won’t be able to spend more.
  • Set up the time limit. Let a watch be around here somewhere. An hour a day can’t do any harm.
  • Never gamble when you are drunk. When you are having alcohol, you can’t control yourself and will play longer and bet more.
  • After a win, many players believe they are on a winning streak and started to play more in order to win more. Try to limit yourself. You can lose more than you won. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

You’d better follow all these things than fight the addiction then.


Any business including gambling business is interested in getting profit. However, the trustworthy and reliable gambling establishments care about their customers and offer them a range of options to help recognize the problem and cope with the addiction. What are the signs of a reliable casino? 

  1. A good online casino has a Responsible gaming section where they describe the problem and suggest the way of fighting it.
  2. They offer a questionnaire so that you could understand whether you have a problem gambling or no. In case you release, you’re addicted, they should give you helpful contacts and resources for gambling addicts.
  3. You are given a possibility to set the gaming time and bankroll limits. You should decide how long you will play daily, weekly or monthly and how much money you can wager. The casino will temporarily block your player account as soon as the limit is reached. It’s one of the most helpful ways to control gambling. Anyway, you should care about yourself as well. If your blocks don’t work, contact the customer support and ask them to block your acct.
  4. A reliable casino doesn’t allow underage to the gambling site. You won’t be able to register with the casino if you are less than 18. The fact is that children can’t control yourself, they become easily addicted. That’s why underage gambling is illegal everywhere. But not all casinos follow this law, so the parents must keep their eyes open and do something so that your child can’t enter the gambling venue. Don’t leave your account open, use passwords on your PC and mobile devices so that your kid can’t access a casino by chance. Speak to your children and explain what the casino is, why it’s bad. They should understand that they’d rather lose money than win.


It is great when you are able to prevent problem gambling. You follow our advice and control your gambling behavior and activity. But what to do in case you suddenly understand you do have a problem, how to stop it.  Don’t worry, it’s better late than never to fight with the addiction. Your willing is a key to the problem solution. Below there are several steps to follow.

  1. Recognize that your desire to gamble is not a valid feeling, it’s a symptom of your gambling addiction. It needs some medical and psychological assistance. Seek treatment. It’s extremely difficult to fight gambling addiction alone, that’s why you’d better see a psychotherapist who will work with you, maybe, you will be prescribed some medicines to help cope with addiction. You will certainly not find a magic pill to wipe out this problem immediately but antidepressants along with therapy must give some positive results. You can also join some communities where the addicted fight with the same problem and gather to help each other.
  2. Give up blaming and realize that the burning desire to gamble has a physical cause in your brain. However, you are not helpless and mindless creature. Learn to control yourself.
  3. When you feel the urge to gamble, try to refocus attention to something other things.
  4. It takes time to revalue gambling. It doesn’t have value or power.

What else can help you? Those closest to you, your family and friends are always ready to help. Talk to them. It is difficult to tell someone that you have a problem and ask for help. They will be able to distract you from gambling. You will surely feel better once you have managed to tell someone about the things that worry you.

Don’t place a bet as soon as the desire appears. Think some time, do something different. Postpone gambling for as long as you can.

Try to imagine what will happen if you lose control and make a wager. Nothing good probably. So why tempt fate?


You should know, you are not alone with your problem. Nowadays, there are a number of special organisations that come to the aid of those who are in trouble. There are lots of people who could manage the problem with their help. All you have to do is get in touch with them. Tell them that you are addicted and together you will be a success. If your friend or a family member has an addiction, feel free to call these services and to follow their advice on how to act and what not to do.

Gamblers Anonymous

Gamblers Anonymous is the international organization for people with gambling addiction. All you need to join them is your desire to stop. They will assist you to find a meeting near you or will be able to speak to someone on the hotline. You can find and read a lot of helpful information on the official site. Don’t hesitate, just do it. You can’t win a battle alone, so welcome assistance.

Gambling Help Online

It is a special service in Australia to help the addicted for free. There is Chat counselling, email support and self-help services.


It is a national charity that helps people with different problems including gambling addiction.


It is a UK-based service that also helps those who are addicted. They are ready to give a helping hand day and night. Hotline and live chat are available 24/7.

Relationships Australia South Australia

It is the help service which aim is to assist people who are vulnerable and disadvantaged. Their Gambling Help Service help all people who are affected by problem gambling.

As you can see, there are a good number of ways to fight addiction.  the first step is the most difficult one, but it’s worth taking. is here to give you any information about responsible gambling. Here we offer only reliable and trustworthy gambling sites that take care of their players’ safety.

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